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Stop Worrying about Dying and Start Worrying about LIVING

This weekend we chose living. Nashville and Upchurch did not disappoint. So many times I get worried about the future instead of living in the moment. For Christmas the boys got tickets to see Wyatt's favorite singer, Upchurch. Wyatt hates flying and wanted to drive but it was just too far for a round trip in just 3 days. Wyatt was not happy about it but after getting to the hotel we were all excited to get the party started. 

We spent the weekend enjoying the sites and sounds of Nashville and added in a visit to a British car museum (because my boys can't get enough of cars). On Saturday night things could not have worked out better. The line to get in to the concert was wrapped around the building, but when the security guard saw us walking/rolling by, he called us to skip the line and get inside. What a blessing! And that wasn't the only one. While we were waiting to buy some merch a guy (one of the Creek Squad as they call them) came by and said, "I want to buy him whatever he wants". He pulls out $100 bill and says "thanks for bringing him here. It's awesome to see!" So the boys got whatever they wanted and were so happy. Their joy is my joy.

During the concert while Wynston and I were singing our hearts out, he would nudge me and tell me to look at Wyatt and would say, "Mom look how happy he is." I would look over and see a huge smile on my boys face. All of us had so much fun and we would see him again in the future but we will be living life over the next few months, instead of just looking and dreading the future.

It's so easy to get stuck in a loop thinking about what the future holds and how hard things will be. When I read the words Stop worry about dying and start worrying about living, it became my new motto.

There are so many things that I would like to plan but I stop and worry about where we will be in life with Wyatt...can he come with us, if not who can take care of him. I worry about his progression and his needs. I worry about how we can plan adventures because we don't know what is to come but no one knows the future so just plan it. I've decided to just do it (and get travel insurance lol) and if things change, we will adapt. So we will continue making the memories and try to stop worrying so much about what is to come and just worry about living the best life we can.

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